Conquer your Flinch and Own Your Space!

Own Your Space in this World!

Your heart is racing, you are cringing at the thought of having to stand in front of a room full of people and share with them what they’ve come to hear. You are dreading the thought of writing that book people have been asking you to write.  You’ve been avoiding the video or TV show you are meant to be putting together. You say “no”, to radio shows or interviews you are invited to speak on. You avoid social media, technology and anything that feels strange and unfamiliar to you. You can’t get yourself to exercise and lose weight or perhaps you want to do new things like moving to another country, change your job but you are too afraid to take the step.

The thought of some of these things makes you feel overwhelmed and has you wanting to run a mile whilst you drive yourself insane with questions and thoughts in your mind that go along the lines of
“Who am I?”
“Am I good enough?” “it’s just too difficult!”
“I don’t have the knowledge!”  “I don’t have the degree.”
“Why would people want to hear what I have to say?”

You find all the reasons why you shouldn’t be doing what you are clearly meant to be doing  and here to do.


Embrace your flinch, love it and conquer it!


“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Friedrich Nietsche.

For far too long we’ve been taught that we need to be perfect that we need to behave in a certain way, do things in a certain way and even dress in a certain way and for a lot of us become someone else rather than be ourselves.
We are taught that mistakes are failures and as a result people judge one another for it and we want
to crucify and burn people at the stake for being different or trying things that are strange to us.  As a result  a lot us become too afraid of trying things out because of what others will think and say and even do to us, like rejecting us.

Mistakes are good, mistakes help you grow, help you become the person you are meant to be.  It is better to make the mistake or take a chance on life  than not to live at all.  Rather try, than living with regret of lost opportunities.   At least you can say you tried, and if you fail, try it differently the next time.



It’s all part of the learning process.  What’s important is how we fix it and follow through.  How we take responsibility for the things we tried and done and pick ourselves up, deal with the situation and work through it instead of running away.

Push those boundaries and step out of your comfort zone.  For those of you who have been pushing your boundaries and
stepping out of your comfort zone, keep at it, keep going because it can only get better.

On my flight back to the UK a fellow passenger that engaged me in conversation suggested a book The Flinch by Julien Smith. What perfect timing.” The universe has a way of always giving you the right messages, the right teachers, the right clients, the right things you need when you ask for them and when you need them.

A little something to get your going, to motivate you and to inspire you “The Flinch” by Julien Smith.

What are your flinches? Are you avoiding them or are you stepping out of your comfort zone and living life to its fullest?

For me 2013 is about stepping out of my comfort zone even more than I have done previously. I will really be pushing my boundaries in order to step into the fullness of my purpose, what I was born to

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  • Terry says:

    Thank you for the boost, I am unhappy with my job, too many things are changing and I’m working longer hours with no time to myself, feeling under valued and under paid. I’ve been too comfortable and putting up with crap because it is too much PT to go out and start over, It’s time for me to step out of my comfort zone.

  • Paul says:

    I’m going to skydive this year!

  • Mandi says:

    This is most inspiring and feels like you crept into the deepest darkest crevice of my mind and penned my thoughts, thank you Romany 🙂

    • Thank you Mandi, it really is about time we step out and take ownership of our destiny’s we’ve been holding back and where did that get us, nowhere really so we may as well try and do the opposite and let’s see what happens. What do we have to loose?

  • Lauren Ashleigh says:

    Hi Romany.*

    I found your article most inspiring and motivating just as you wished it would be.* It was an amazing message to share.* Some how it has touched me, it has made me think of how hard I should be working towards a brighter future.* Thank you.* I will most definitely post your link.*

    Kind Regards

    • Lauren you are at a wonderful age where you have your whole life ahead of you. Own your space girlfriend. I’ll be right there doing it with you. 🙂 Thank you for your wonderful message, it touched my heart in so many ways.

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