Online marketing strategy tip for developing your brand online


Part of your online marketing strategy should be to find opportunities that will put you in front of the eyes of your customer whilst building your brand online.  Part of your online marketing plan is spend time networking online.  Unlike real world networking where you attend an event, drink coffee and meet other people with like minded intentions, online networking requires you to be actively building your digital footprint.  One of the ways you do this is by engaging in conversations whether it be, posting a comment, writing an article, or sharing and liking something that is of value to both yourselves and your audience.

For example this video interview discussion is now a content marketing piece.   It discusses the challenges franchise businesses faced during lockdown, in this instance H20 water purification.   If you are in the hospitality industry or are a supplier of goods and services that may require water purification systems it may be strategically beneficial to you as part of your online marketing strategy to post a comment when you see a post like this.  You may be online browsing the internet and you come across this video interview on LinkedIn or Facebook, this presents an opportunity to network and form a connection.   By posting a comment on the video post you saw you are positioning yourself to create a connection point with the supplier and at the same time gives you marketing exposure.   That’s what I love about the online world, it gives everyone an equal opportunities market.

If you own a hotel or guest house, or in the entertainment industry you may not be operational right now but you will be in the future so utilise the time you have now by developing your online brand so that when your doors are allowed to open you will be remembered.

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