No Pets Allowed

No Pets Allowed

The Consequences of “No Pets Allowed” Policies in Property Developments: A Call for Compassion

Imagine a world where the joyous bark of a dog or the soothing purr of a cat becomes a rarity—a fading memory of a time when humans and animals coexisted as companions. This bleak future might not be as far away as we think, thanks to the rising trend in property developments, especially gated communities, where “no pets allowed” policies are being enforced as a condition of purchase. While these rules may seem like a mere inconvenience to some, their implications are far-reaching and deeply concerning.


2025: The End of Cycles and the Beginning of Change

2025 marks a 9-year in numerology, a year of conclusions, closures, and transitions. It’s the end of a cycle, a moment when the universe seems to invite us to let go of what no longer serves us. But with endings come chaos, uncertainty, and the discomfort of stepping into the unknown. The question is: are we ready to embrace it?


Scammed - Whose Fault Is It

Scammed – Whose Fault Is It?

Being scammed is a gut-wrenching experience. It cuts deep because, for many of us, that money represents more than just numbers in a bank account. It’s the result of hard work, late nights, sacrifices, and dreams of something better. And when it’s taken—or wasted by someone who wasn’t trustworthy or equipped to deliver—it leaves a sting that doesn’t fade easily. (more…)

Success and self-mastery and overcoming anxiety

The word success means something different for each person.  For me, success is not solely about accumulating wealth and money. It is about achieving what you desire and what brings you contentment. It could be taking care of your loved ones, pursuing your passion, or simply surviving the day. It is a unique journey that each of us embarks upon, and success is when we feel fulfilled with what we have accomplished.

Recently, I had a conversation on Facebook where I made a bold statement: “People are where they are in life because they do not want to help themselves.” Look around, and you will find that very few individuals are willing to expand their knowledge or perspective by reading books or watching informative videos.

The circumstances in which we find ourselves may not always be under our control, but we can certainly change ourselves. “What we attract in our lives is a direct result of the person we have become.”  As Jim Rohn said, “What you have at the moment in your life, you have attracted by the person you have become.”

In this world of endless possibilities, only a few people have the ability to equip us with the knowledge to navigate the challenges that come our way. My mother was a wonderful teacher, but she could not provide me with the necessary tools to thrive in this world. School, too, only teaches us so much, and it does not prepare us for the real world. It is up to us to become students of life, to seek knowledge from various sources available to us, and to utilize the vast resources of the internet.

The journey of self-mastery is not just about achieving success and getting the things you want; it also reduces fear, depression, and anxiety. When we take control of our lives, we no longer feel helpless and lost. We have a sense of direction, and we know where we are heading. The fear of the unknown, which often leads to depression and anxiety, starts to dissipate, and we start to feel empowered.

There is no excuse for not helping yourself. Unless you are living in a cave, you have all the resources at your disposal. You have the power to give yourself a chance to live a fulfilling life, free from the shackles of dependency on others. It is about embarking on a journey of self-mastery, and as Jim Rohn said, “To have more in life, you must become more.”

I still have many areas I need to work on to become the person I aspire to be. And if you’re unsure of what you want to achieve, it’s time to ask yourself: Who and what do I want to become for myself? Not for my family, my partner, or my children, but for myself.

I hope this video by Jim Rohn will inspire you and change your perspective on life, just as it did for me. The power of self-mastery can change so much in your life, and it is the key to achieving success in all aspects of life while reducing fear, depression, and anxiety.  Speaking from experience.  To become you have to take action.

Are you living life pleasing others thinking you are living your purpose?

Defining our purpose in life can be an elusive concept. Whenever it was mentioned at workshops or seminars, I felt excluded and wondered, “What did I miss?” Many people believe that their purpose is to empower others or fulfill a specific role in society. However, is this really the case? Could our purpose be something more personal and individualistic?

I spent a significant portion of my life striving to please others at my own expense, both emotionally and physically. It wasn’t until I observed the world around me that I realized how fruitless it was to try and make everyone else happy. The more I focused on pleasing others, the more I lost touch with myself and what I valued. I lived with anxiety and stress, and I became bitter and angry with life. I became someone I didn’t even recognize.

From a young age, we are taught to be kind to others and share what we have. We are told to strive to be a “good person” and we are taught to believe that we need to belong to a religion or a special group to be validated. And there is this philosophy that the poorer you are the better person you are.  To be honest, I never quite understood this philosophy. If you are poor and have nothing to give, how can you be helpful to society? It’s as if we’re taught to prioritize others over ourselves, to believe that someone else’s life matters more than our own.

But why must we believe this? Why are we told to poke our noses in someone else’s business when we should be focusing on ourselves and how we impact the world? I learned that true fulfillment comes from being the best version of ourselves and living life on our own terms, not someone else’s. We need to prioritize our own happiness and well-being, and from there, we can make a positive impact on the world around us.

Becoming the best version of yourself means pursuing our own unique goals and aspirations, and striving to continually grow and evolve as individuals. When we become the best version of ourselves, we naturally have a positive impact on those around us. Our own personal growth becomes a ripple effect, spreading outwards and inspiring others to do the same.

How do we identify and pursue the best versions of ourselves?

It starts with self-reflection and self-awareness. We need to take the time to understand our own values, passions, and strengths.   Ask yourself What is your personal philosophy?  From there, we can set personal goals that align with our vision of our best selves.

But personal growth isn’t just a destination – it’s a journey. We will encounter obstacles and setbacks along the way, and it’s important to approach these challenges with resilience and a growth mindset. By viewing setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth, we can continue to evolve and improve over time.

This approach to purpose is different from more traditional views that prioritize helping others or fulfilling a specific role in society. While these ideas certainly have merit, I believe that true fulfillment and purpose come from within. When we become the best version of ourselves, we naturally contribute to the world around us in meaningful ways.

So, what is your purpose? It’s not about being the best in your field or fulfilling a certain role. It’s about becoming the best version of you, whatever that means for you personally. Embrace your journey of personal growth, and watch as abundance flows into every area of your life.

What can you do today to start your journey in becoming the best version of yourself?

Know Your Customer – being customer centric

You may have heard the term KYC, which stands for Know Your Customer. Most would have heard this term when setting up accounts with crypto exchanges. However, KYC was first implemented in 1989 as an effort to prevent fraud, tax evasion and other criminal activity.

Know Your Customer also applies to businesses as it forms the basis and pillars of their operations. The term “customer-centric” comes to mind.

To be customer-centric and to know your customer requires a business to collect crucial information about you as their ideal customer. Analysts and decision-makers of this information are not necessarily interested in private or personal information collected about you, rather the personal data is used to ensure that there is accurate information and only one response per respondent.

Decision makers are more interested in your experience with them as a customer. This information enables businesses to improve on products and services and also develop products and services that would enhance your life, whether it be by saving you time because that is what’s important to you, or assisting you on your path to starting and maintaining a business.

Information is essential for improving a company’s understanding of its clients across all business sectors. Event organisers and fundraisers can offer better services by supplying information that would be helpful to decision-makers, sponsors and exhibitors which is important in the sponsorship and support of local companies for events and fundraising data they can analyze.

This information which in the tech world is referred to as data, gives both sponsors and exhibitors information that contributes to decision-making.

The information you supply helps businesses make more informed decisions around product development, pricing and marketing strategies. This information can also help businesses establish gaps in the market, identify trends and opportunities to differentiate themselves from businesses in the same business.

Your feedback and input help a business to streamline operations, reduce costs and increase efficiency by identifying patterns in customer behavior and automating processes.

This information is also helpful to gain a better understanding of a particular audience, (the target market) This is how event organisers and fundraisers can add value to their customer being the sponsor, doner or an exhibitor. Resulting in delivering a better customer experience.

Social media and sites such as Facebook are often targeted for selling information (data) to interested buyers. In many ways, I’m an interested buyer because I use Facebook ads to reach an intended audience.  Personal information, such as your name and contact information is anonymised.  What I see is information on area location, your interests,  and so on which helps me to share with you what is on offer as a seller. Collecting information comes at a cost, as you require the tools to collect and store information.  Instead of us punishing social media sites like Facebook, you should view these sites as tools in your own business that you can use to help you research useful information on your ideal customer so that you too can offer a great customer experience.

How often have you bought into something that did not meet your expectations, or perhaps a shop stopped supplying your favourite product? This is where completing feedback forms and completing surveys as a customer can help not only the business deliver better services but turn you into a happy customer because none of us like wasting money on things that are not useful to us.

With the advantage of having online tools that can assist business owners to collect data, would it not be beneficial for you as a customer to assist decision-makers in their decision-making plans?

As a business owner, the value in collecting information about your customers and obtaining their consent in the usage of that information helps you to stay in touch with your customers so that you can offer value to your customers, which results in a memorable experience.

Do you use networking to boost sales?

Networking should be a key component of your marketing strategy if you want to boost sales. As a business owner, franchisee, or career seeker, your top priority is likely to secure the next sale, deal, or opportunity. However, many people make the mistake of ignoring networking, using the excuse that they are too busy, or simply not understanding what it entails.

As an online marketing and digital consultant, I have noticed how often people overlook the importance of networking. Attending networking events and making new connections is crucial for spreading the word about your business and letting people know you exist.

People often think networking events are a waste of time, yet networking events can be a valuable learning experience, even if it doesn’t immediately result in a new sale or lead. If you find that an event wasn’t useful, take the opportunity to reflect on why and how you can improve for future events. It’s all about perspective and finding ways to benefit from attending networking events.

There are many benefits to networking, including the opportunity to introduce yourself and your business to potential customers, partners, or investors. One common challenge is knowing what to say in a short period of time. However, by prioritizing networking and making it a regular part of your marketing strategy, you can build valuable relationships that can lead to new opportunities and sales.

Introducing yourself is one of the biggest hurdles and wasted opportunities at networking events.  One often doesn’t know what to say in a short period of time.

  • Learn how people introduce themselves. See how they introduce themselves to give you ideas on how to introduce yourself.
  • Listen to what people share in their introductions, is it clear?  Did you understand what they offer?
  • What can you learn from good introductions and what can you use to craft your own introduction?

Practice makes perfect and boosts confidence.   Unless you are retired or do not need to earn money, you will have to face people if you want to earn money and you will need to be able to sell what is you are offering.  Whether you go for a job interview or have to sell your products or services to a potential buyer.   In both settings, you need to be clear, confident and effective and most importantly the listener needs to understand you.

  • Every opportunity you have to introduce yourself at a networking event is an opportunity to boost your confidence for times when you need it most, like having to present to a client you want to do business with.
  • Networking in small settings gives you the confidence to present to larger audiences when the opportunity arises.
  • Networking gives you the confidence to speak up in board meetings for example.

Another good use that networking has to offer is using the audience as your sounding board.  It isn’t easy to come up with words that describe what you do that is understood by the listener or reader.

  • Having to come up with a short introduction that explains exactly what you want your audience or customer to understand pushes you to step out of your comfort zone and be creative.
  • It’s a perfect setting to see if what you are communicating to others gets you leads, if it doesn’t then you know you need to go back to the drawing board.

Networking can help you create content for your online profile.

  • Having to come up with a short elevator speech gives you a kickstart to drafting your biography which you can use on your website and on sites such as LinkedIn.
  • You can use the same introduction and convert it into something event organisers can use when you are invited to be a guest speaker.

For growing businesses and brands, networking is a powerful tool to research your potential customer, to listen and understand what is on people’s minds.  It is also the perfect setting to listen to what people are not saying.

One doesn’t need money to make money. One needs access to people, a network.  Whether you are an established brand, a growing business or you are just starting out.  For established and growing businesses, networking is a powerful information tool that adds value to help you:

  • Understand people and human behaviour.
  • To see what people are up to?
  • To help you understand what is on people’s minds so that you can deliver better products or services.

If you are looking for customers, as the decision-maker you need to be out there informing people that you are open for business.  The point of networking is word-of-mouth marketing because you never know when someone knows someone who is in need of what you have to offer.

If you are wanting to start a business or maybe you are struggling to find customers or join a business as an employee,

  • Use networking to learn and observe how people engage in the business arena.
  • Use the opportunity to get noticed.
  • Use the opportunity to practice and boost your confidence.

First impressions count, use networking as a stepping stone to pivot you on your dream to being your own boss or to boost your career.  Instead of stressing and worrying about where the money will come from use your time wisely in preparation for the opportune moment and when that moment comes with each networking event you attend you will have gained confidence and knowledge placing you in a position of strength giving you the advantage over other people who are fighting for the same position or looking to find customers.

If you are a determined go-getter wanting to grow your customer base or if you would like to add value to a business with similar interests to yours, why not join us at the next event?

Working for yourself – It all begins and ends with you

Whether you are a business owners, entrepreneur, a career opportunist or someone looking to work for themselves to generate an income what you think in your head will ultimately influence your decisions and the way you operate.  They go hand-in-hand.

Reflecting on important life events in my life and observed how my thoughts, emotions and actions play a role in the outcomes. At age 23 I had important events and what I can only describe as tests. Tests to see which future I would choose, whether it was subconscious or conscious it didn’t matter.
I had 2 doors, two roads. One that resulted in hardship, pain and much suffering while the other door brought abundance, happiness and ease. Sadly I chose the challenging and hard road which cost me much.

As I reflect on what I was thinking and feeling at the time.  The pain, hurt, anguish, resentment in me continuously gave me a harder outcome. It cost me a lot. I lost my support, it took longer for me to achieve goals. It was hard, and difficult and I have had to work twice as hard and it did not have to be that way.

Covid is one of those life events, that once again is giving each one of us a choice to decide. This time it’s so much clearer to see. At least for me, it is. I know clearly what I do and don’t want. I am aware of the role I played contributing to where we are today.

Knowledge does empower you if you use it and learn how to play the game. With new information thanks to tech we can change how we do things going forward. And it’s that simple but also challenging especially because fear and lack has become so normalised you can’t always see it.

Once again God the HS, consciousness is asking…
Do you want the easy way or the difficult road? There is no right or wrong choice. It just means that whichever frequency you plug into know that you chose it through your thoughts, emotions and actions. And the difference this time is the outcomes are going to be intensified.

I have chosen:

  • Happiness over sadness
  • Joy over suffering
  • Abundance over lack
  • Wellness over sickness
  • Prosperity over poverty
  • Love over hatred
  • Kindness instead of nastiness
  • Calmness instead of stress
  • Compassion over intolerance
  • Understanding instead of judgment
  • Faith over fear

I understand that everything is energy and that energy turns into matter.

I understand my choices impact the energy field of 90 000 people around me and that my thoughts, actions and emotions impact the collective outcome of my country and the world we live in.
I choose to be a pillar of strength, a beacon of light and stand for all that is good.

You cannot have wellness if you are living in a mindset of sickness or dis-ease. They are two different energies. Two different frequencies. If you believe you can make someone else sick because of your actions. Is the opposite not true also? That if you believe you are health and wellness how can you possibly infect someone else or make them unwell? They are two different frequencies, two different energies.

Is this not what Jesus was teaching and living. People were healed in his presence because he saw them as whole. He didn’t see illness in his world…. He didn’t see lack and poverty in his world. He wasn’t blind to it. He chose not to entertain the energy. He raised his vibration

Dis-ease cannot live in a high-frequency vibration it’s on a low energy frequency.

I am still a work in progress. Expect failures and mistakes on my quest to self-mastery. I am working at transforming myself from the old system and deactivating the old mindset. If you want to be the change in the world you have to start with yourself. Everything begins and ends with you. #mom #rippleeffect

Online marketing strategy tip for developing your brand online


Part of your online marketing strategy should be to find opportunities that will put you in front of the eyes of your customer whilst building your brand online.  Part of your online marketing plan is spend time networking online.  Unlike real world networking where you attend an event, drink coffee and meet other people with like minded intentions, online networking requires you to be actively building your digital footprint.  One of the ways you do this is by engaging in conversations whether it be, posting a comment, writing an article, or sharing and liking something that is of value to both yourselves and your audience.

For example this video interview discussion is now a content marketing piece.   It discusses the challenges franchise businesses faced during lockdown, in this instance H20 water purification.   If you are in the hospitality industry or are a supplier of goods and services that may require water purification systems it may be strategically beneficial to you as part of your online marketing strategy to post a comment when you see a post like this.  You may be online browsing the internet and you come across this video interview on LinkedIn or Facebook, this presents an opportunity to network and form a connection.   By posting a comment on the video post you saw you are positioning yourself to create a connection point with the supplier and at the same time gives you marketing exposure.   That’s what I love about the online world, it gives everyone an equal opportunities market.

If you own a hotel or guest house, or in the entertainment industry you may not be operational right now but you will be in the future so utilise the time you have now by developing your online brand so that when your doors are allowed to open you will be remembered.

Covid-19 forcing businesses to rethink the way we do business

Covid-19 has turned the world upside down.  Will we evolve and re-assess the systems we are using to improve our lives and the environment going forward?

Many businesses will close shop whilst others will find innovative ways in which to offer new products or services factoring in new regulations and discontinuing draconian methods of business.

A fundamental schism has recently occurred in our world, ushering in a definite pre and post virus era. For many day-to-day survival is the only item on the agenda at the moment. Yet after this apocalyptic pandemic what kind of normal will we be returning to? Will we revert to old, outdated ways or will we come up with innovative solutions with which we can move forward and at the same time help create a better, more efficient world?

Time to introspect

What Covid-19 has done is put everyone on pause.  A time to take stock of the way we live and do things.  On a daily basis many have been so consumed with work, watching television being entertained to escape.  Constantly running on the treadmill of life to make ends meet.  Never enough time to think about our well being, the well being of our families and communities and also our environment.  What are we consuming mentally and physically?  What are we placing our attention on?  Who are we spending our time with?

Consumerism, keeps us busy and sucks us into buying stuff to keep us entertained, filling a void.  Sites like Netflix keeps us entertained, numbing us from reality.  However, there is so much more to life.  How we treat ourselves, others, animals and how we treat our environment should be on top of our minds going forward. What can we do to ensure we don’t do what has been done before?  How can we make the world a better place for all who live on this planet?

Income and distributing the wealth

Do we ever stop to ponder how distorted society has become where film stars, musicians, sports professionals are paid millions for entertaining us while essential workers such as nurses, garbage guys, cleaners, cashiers are paid a pittance for the services they offer?  Everyone in a sense is an essential worker without the rubbish guy, the street cleaner, the receptionist, the gardener we can’t function efficiently as a society.

Will politicians, CEO’s, directors and shareholders rethink the amount of income they earn every year?  Does a person really need to earn R3.1 Mill a year as the president or earn R70k a day as a retail boss?  There is nothing wrong with earning millions but not when it is at the expense of your employees or the country.

Some companies and politicians have taken a reduction in their income to help their staff through this pandemic and if they can do this during a pandemic then it is possible for them to do it permanently to help employees earn a dignified income not having to live from pay cheque to pay cheque.

Working from home

Recent events has changed the trend trajectory of how businesses are organised.  Up until recently employers were resistant in allowing their employees to work from home, giving all sorts of reasons as to why it was not possible.   The spread of the Covid-19, has forced businesses  to re-evaluate how day-to-day business is being conducted, from working conditions to meetings. Contingency plans have been rolled out to promote remote working and business owners now have  to rethink their outdated practices.  After lockdown, will businesses continue to reinvent the concept of ‘office’ to maintain social distancing habits?  If it is possible in a lockdown, then it is possible going forward which would create a better work-life balance for office workers and it would contribute to reducing carbon emissions and traffic on roads.    South African’s lose 5 days a year just sitting in traffic.

Education and family responsibilities

Many jokes were shared online where parents were not able to handle their children and some were begging for schools and teachers to open so their kids could get back to school.  Perhaps this experience has given parents the opportunity to see how their children behave and begin to support teachers in their efforts to educate their children.

There is a mindset in our society that it is the norm to have a child. Grants are given encouraging people to have children without giving a second thought as to what it takes to develop a responsible adult that will be a positive contribution to society.  Will people think twice about having more children and think about what it takes to raise a child?  There is more to just feeding and clothing a child. Educating and taking the time to develop a child into an adult who will be mindful, respecting others and their environment should be a parent’s top priority.

Quarantine has also had a knock-on effect on education with pupils and students unable to attend classes.  The outdated educational systems in operation are failing our future workforce and entrepreneurs.  A total revamp needs to be considered, in which a move to online platforms is implemented integrating classroom and distance learning.  Will online learning become the new norm making out dated educational practices obsolete?   A+ Students is one such business who has taken their learning online making it easier for children to have access to education.

Local is lekker and community

We lived in a world where its every man/woman for himself. This pandemic has shown us the importance of working more collectively. Helping one another, whether it be cooking a meal for your neighbour, sponsoring a shopping voucher for someone who lives in a shack or taking in a stray animal who needs love and care.  More love is needed all round.

When business re-opens will you support small businesses to sustain themselves and provide more jobs?  Creating local products, growing locally would help countries and communities become more self-sufficient and autonomous in the use of their natural resources.

Retail and E-Commerce

An attitude of ‘use it up’, ‘wear it out’ and ‘make do, or do without’ may linger after the covid-19 pandemic as people have been forced to make do without which makes one wonder “do I really need this stuff?”

Online shopping may be the new norm in countries where it is still not so popular to continue social distancing.  Franchises will have to look at pandemic policies being written into agreements if not already in place. Small business, restaurants, bars, courier services will need to take stock of what is needed going forward and implement necessary changes to re-establish the economy.

Robotics, Healthcare and other Sectors

With industry 4.0, the Corona virus scare will we be more open to robotics.  Tygerberg hospital and many hospitals worldwide have introduced robots to help doctors check on patients for the Covid-19.  Will this become the norm?  What other industry sectors will introduce robots into their businesses to maintain safety and hygiene.

It is evident, that once this crisis is over, we will have to rethink and reinvent the ways in which we operate on a multitude of levels. Near-term survival needs to shift to long-term goals, to ensure the safe continuation of our world. To quote Courtney C Stevens: ‘If nothing changes, nothing changes’
